Школа "Интензив"
Английски език в детските градини - Луиза Киърни

Английски език в детските градини - Луиза Киърни

Този сезон мис Луиза Киърни занимава вашите деца в детските градини със следните теми: I - Fruit and vegetables New words - fruit and vegetables Game: draw and guess the English words II - Numbers New words - numbers 1-50 (1-100) Questions: How many...? III - Animals New Words - animals Game: draw the words you hear Game: hear the words and take the right card; naming the cards - who has what Questions: What is this? This is .... Making animals with origami IV - Others Making masks Practising writing in English Making Christmas cards in English Group project: creating a book "Where's my cat? - everybody has their own page.