Школа "Интензив"
4 идиома посветени на тялото

4 идиома посветени на тялото


1. have/keep your ear to the ground

Explanation: to ​pay ​attention to everything that is ​happening around you and to what ​people are saying

Аналог: Отваряй очите си на четири.

Example: She is not used to have her ear to the ground and that is why she makes a lot of mistakes.

2. have/keep your feet on the ground (also have both feet on the ground)

Explanation: to be very ​practical and ​see things as they really are

Аналог: Стъпил съм здраво на земята

Example: In this difficult for the family period you have to keep your feet on the ground and find a solution.

3. have/keep your finger on the pulse

Explanation: to be/​stay ​familiar with the most ​recent ​changes or ​improvements

Обяснение: да съм в течение на събитията, да следя случващото се

Example: Life now is so dynamic so if you want to be a good journalist you have to keep your finger on the pulse.

4. have/hold the whip hand

Explanation: to be the ​person or ​group that has the most ​power in a ​situation

Обяснение: да си човекът или групата, които са в силната позиция в дадена ситуация

Example: During the last ​decade the ​right ​wing of the ​party has ​held the whip ​hand.

Hint for the hidden message: it's an idiom which means to ​pay ​attention to everything that is ​happening around you and to what ​people are saying