Школа "Интензив"
ВРЕМЕТО в 12 идиома

ВРЕМЕТО в 12 идиома


Better Late Than Never

Explanation: a belated achievement is better than not reaching a goal at all.

Аналог: По-добре късно, отколкото никога

Example: He graduated college when he was 42, better late than never.

On the Spur of the Moment

Explanation: a spontaneous or sudden undertaking

Обяснение: внезапен порив, спонтанно и неочаквано действие

Example: Linda and Louis drove to the beach on the spur of the moment.

Once in a Blue Moon

Explanation: means something is rare or infrequent.

Аналог: Веднъж на 100 години

Example: Homebodies Mary and James only go out once in a blue moon.

Living on Borrowed Time

Explanation: Following an illness or near-death experience, many people believe they have cheated death.

Аналог: живея втори живот

Example: After Martin was struck by lightning, he felt like he was living on borrowed time.

In the Interim

Explanation: the period between something that ended and something that happened afterwards; meanwhile

Synonym: in the meantime

Значение: междувременно

Example: The boss will be back next week, the interim, the workers will be stocking shelves and cleaning.

In Broad Daylight

Explanation: the event is clearly visible

Аналог: посред бял ден

Example: Two coyotes brazenly walked across the lawn in broad daylight.

Against the Clock

Explanation: the time is working against a project or plan instigated by a group or an individual.

Обяснение: времето работи срещу проект/ план направен от група или човек

Example: In movies, writers love to create countdowns where the main characters are working against the clock.

All in Good Time

Explanation: everything will come if you are patient enough to wait for it  

Аналог: всяко нещо с времето си

Example: Rachel thought she was going to become an old maid, but her mother assured her she would find the right person and get married all in good time.

Big Time

Explanation: (informal) something of extreme severity

Обяснение: за момент от изключителна важност, който е свързан с голяма отговорност или изпитание на волята и характера

Example: When he accepted the position as vice president, he knew he had reached the big time.

The Time is Ripe

Explanation: means that it's advantageous to undertake plans that have been waiting for a while.

Аналог: времето е назряло за

Example: Raphael was planning a trip overseas, and the time was finally ripe.

Have the Time of Your Life

Explanation: means you're enjoying an unforgettable, exhilarating experience that cannot be recreated.

Обяснение: за момент, който ще се запомни цял живот, защото няма да се повтори

Example: Genevieve had the time of her life touring Italy.

Time is Money

Explanation: If time is going to waste, money isn't being made. This popular idiom attributed to Ben Franklin is frequently used in relation to business or employment.

Аналог: времето е пари

Example: It’s wise to use every minute productively because time is money