ЗА КОГО Е ПРЕДНАЗНАЧЕНА: за ученици от II до XII клас, които искат да станат по-уверени в комуникацията си на английски, да увеличат знанията и уменията си по този език, а също така и да се научат да рисуват.
ОПИТ: основни познания по английски език, не е необходимо да можете да рисувате
КАКВО ЩЕ НАУЧИТЕ: ще подобрите своя говорим английски език и ще усвоите ново умение – да рисувате.
МАТЕРИАЛИ: носете молив 2НВ и гума, листите са от нас
КЪДЕ И КОГА: веднъж месечно в събота в Школа Интензив
ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛ: ЕВА – датска художничка с бакалавърска степен по Изкуства. Двадесет години Ева живее и работи по специалността в Англия. Научете повече за нея от ТУК.
ЗАПИСВАНЕ: със заявка в офиса на Школа Интензив или на тел. 066 80 50 09
WHAT WE ARE GOING TO LEARN: We will be talking (a lot) together in these informal workshops and practice our English skills through the activities of Conversation and Drawing. In this way we utilize a kinesthetic way of learning, meaning that the students learn while they carry out a physical activity. So not only will we improve our language and hopefully have a lot of fun but we will also learn (or deepen the understanding of) a new skill: That of drawing.
During the sessions we will look to improve areas in our English spoken language such as: Pronunciation, use of common language terms of phrase, sentence structure and enhancing our vocabulary.
This is aimed at slowly gaining an increased confidence in speaking English resulting in a better conversational flow.
As we further our understanding of learning how to draw guided by the 'Betty Edwards method' and through specific exercises that train us to draw what we see we will focus on the different perceptions that make up drawing:
Edges, Spaces, Proportion, Shading and The Whole. In addition we will also make use of colour.
While we carry out these exercises that 'loosens' up our 'drawing-muscles' we improve memory and recall and are in fact simultaneously using the language centers (left side of the brain) as well as those areas that has to do with art making (right side of the brain).
At the end of the 3-4 sessions the student hopes to have gained a more confident level of conversing in English as well as an understanding of what makes us able to draw in a representational way. The workshops will consist of a weighting of about 60% English and 40% Art although individual needs will be taken into account.
So if you like chatting and drawing in a friendly atmosphere - please do come along!